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AP News:共和党报告显示特朗普未与俄罗斯勾结


This is AP News Minute.

House Intelligence Committee republicans have completed a draft report concluding that the Trump campaign didn't collude with Russia, enraging committee democrats. President Trump celebrated with an all-caps twitter post.

The third nor'easter in less than two weeks is expected to hit New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New England Tuesday. More than a foot of snow and high winds are expected in some areas.

Austin, Texas police say three package bombs that exploded appear to be linked. The explosions have killed two people and injured two more.

And a Penn congressional district holds a special election Tuesday with republican Rick Saccone facing democrat Conor Lamb. A close and competitive race is expected. President Trump won the district by 20 points back in 2016.

Matt Small, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.