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AP News:美国退出伊核协议


This is AP News Minute.

President Donald Trump says he will pull out of the landmark nuclear accord with Iran, calling the agreement "defective at its core". His announcement dealt a profound blow to US allies and potentially deepened the President's isolation on the world stage.

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani is saying his country may resume uranium enrichment in a higher rate if it finds nuclear deal will not work anymore after the US pullout. Rouhani said he has already ordered the country's nuclear department to get prepared to begin industrial enrichment in case of necessity.

US Secretary of State Mike Pumpeo is headed to North Korea to finalize details of a planned historical summit between President Donald Trump and North Korea leader King Jong Un. US officials say Pumpeo will also press North Korea for the release of three detained American citizens.

West Virginia republicans will soon reveal whether they prefer a brash outsider who has embraced President Donald Trump's playbook or a more traditional politician to take on vulnerable democratic senator Joe Manchin this fall. President Donald Trump says voters should shun former coal executive Don Blankenship.

Julian Stiles, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.