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This is AP News Minute.

South Korea says it's pushing hard to get its high-level talks with North Korea back on track. North Korea canceled the latest North-South talk and put the upcoming summit between Kim Jong Un and President Trump in doubt.

Illinois police say a man is being held on 2 million dollars' bond, accused of firing a gun outside a high school auditorium before a graduation rehearsal. Matthew Milby faces charges including aggravated discharge of a firearm.

The Hawaii's National Guard Commander says it's possible one thousand more people may have to evacuate from a Kilauea volcanic eruption. He says aircraft would be needed if lava covers highways and cuts off communities.

And a Connecticut woman climbed Mount Everest for the ninth time. That's a new women's record. Nepal native Lhakpa Sherpa reached the summit on Wednesday.

Shirley Smith, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.