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AP News:粉丝纪念“灵魂歌后”艾瑞莎·富兰克林


This is AP News Minute.

Defense Secretary Jame Mattis dismissed report that says the planned military parade in Washington would cost 92 million dollars. The AP reported the figure hours before the Pentagon said the parade won't happen until next year.

Mattis also says the Taliban had 6 military objectives when they attacked the city of Ghazni in Afghanistan. He said the group missed all of its goals, but some militants are still hiding in houses.

The retired navy admiral who oversaw the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden, says he would consider it an honor if President Trump revoked his security clearance. Admiral William Mcraven wrote in the Washington Post after Trump revoked the clearance of his frequent critic, former CIA Director John Brennan.

And fans of Aretha Franklin gathered outside New York's famed Apollo Theater to remember the singer. Franklin, known as the Queen of Soul, died Thursday at the age of 76.