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AP News:特朗普前往匹兹堡表示支持


This is AP News Minute.

President Trump is going to Pittsburgh on Tuesday to express support for the community after Saturday shooting. Some in Pittsburgh signed a letter objecting to Mr.Trump's rhetoric and asking him not to come. The rabbi of the synagogue where 11 people were killed said the President is welcome.

The Trump administration announced plans to send 5,200 troops to the US-Mexico border. President Trump tweeted the troops will be waiting for the caravan of Central America migrants moving through Mexico.

An official tells the AP pipe bomb suspect Cesar Sayoc kept a list of politicians and others who may have been intended targets. Sayoc is accused of mailing explosives to prominent democrats and critics of President Trump.

Divers off Indonesia's coast are searching for the bodies of the 189 people killed in a plane crash on Monday. High-tech equipment is also being used to locate the plane's data recorders.