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AP News:特朗普总统抵达德克萨斯州


This is AP News Minute.

President Donald Trump arrived at a Texas border town to make the case for his long-promised border wall after negotiations with Democrats to reopen the government blew up over his funding demands.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is in Cairo for talks with Egyptian leaders as he continues a nine-nation Middle East tour aimed at reassuring America's Arab partners that the Trump administration is not walking away from the region.

Union leaders staged rallies in Washington and elsewhere to bring attention to federal workers who are going without paychecks as the partial government shutdown dragged into a 20th day.

And a surfer in California survived a shark attack by kicking the massive fish away. 19-year-old Nick Wapner says the shark came up from beneath him and bit him as he paddled into position for an incoming wave