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AP News:贝托·奥罗克进入2020年总统竞选


This is AP News Minute.

The Senate has firmly rejected President Donald Trump's declaration of a national emergency at the US-Mexico border. Minutes after the vote, Trump signaled on Twitter that he may veto the measure.

Beto O'Rourke has entered the 2020 presidential race, shaking up an already packed democratic field. The former Texas congressman is promising a campaign built on bipartisan optimism by traveling the country and listening to voters.

British lawmakers have voted to delay Brexit for at least 3 months, just 15 days before the UK is scheduled to leave the European Union. Any extension to Brexit has to be approved by all 27 remaining EU countries.

And a British-led scientific mission off the Seychelles has successfully retrieved an underwater drone from the Indian Ocean. The Nekton Mission is on an uNPRecedented exploration to document changes that could affect billions of people.