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AP News:特朗普首次承认拜登赢得了选举


This is AP News Minute.
President Donald Trump on Sunday appeared to acknowledge for the first time that Joe Biden won the White House but made it clear he would not concede and would keep trying to overturn the election result. Trump's statements came in tweets that included several baseless claims about the November 3rd vote.

Several thousand supporters of President Donald Trump protested the election results and marched to the Supreme Court on Saturday. There were clashes with counterdemonstrators that led to fistfights, at least one stabbing and more than 20 arrests.
Peru's interim president,Manuel Merino announced his resignation on Sunday, plunging the country into a constitutional crisis. The resignation came amid massive protests after Congress ousted the nation's popular leader. The protesters alleged that Congress had staged a parliamentary coup.
A Belgian racing pigeon named New Kim fetched a record price of $1.9 million at an auction on Sunday. Two Chinese bidders operating under the pseudonyms Super Duper and Hitman drove up the price by over $30,000.