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BBC news 2008-02-27 加文本

BBC 2008-02-27

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BBC News With Jim Lee.

The United States and at least eight other countries have joined Germany in investigating a huge tax evasion scandal involving secret bank accounts in the European Principality of Liechtenstein. Germany prosecutors say they have already recovered 40 million dollars in unpaid taxes though they suspect billions may be involved. The investigation started after the German Intelligence Service bought a list of foreign account holders from a whistleblower. Ren Br lhart, director of Liechtenstein's Financial Intelligence Unit, says his country has been improving the level of cooperation with other European governments. (www.Hxen.com)

"We're sure there has to be international cooperation and Liechtenstein has clearly demonstrated that it's on the move in that sense. It's going to in the next few days sign the Schengen treaty and it's also in very close negotiations with European commission to enter into an anti-fraud agreement. And in that sense, I think this will be the next step. "

The former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, who is mediating in the political crisis in Kenya says he suspended negotiations between government and opposition representatives because of lack of progress, Mr. Annan said discussions had turned acrimonious and the situation in Kenya was very dangerous.
"I believe it is important that I suspend the negotiations, not as an act of desperation or given up, but suspend the negotiations and take the matters up with President Mwai Kibaki and honorable Raila Odinga. The leaders have to assume their responsibility and become directly engaged in these talks. "

The head of police in Zimbabwe has warned that its force is willing to use firearms to quash any violence in the run-up to elections next month. Referring to the protests and killings that have been seen in Kenya since the disputed poll there, the Police Commissioner, Augustine Chihuri said no one should would be allowed to force their way to power in Zimbabwe if the ballot didn't go in their favor. Earlier this month, the Zimbabwen police banned the carrying of weapons in public. (wWw.hxen.net)

The World Health Organization has reported the highest level ever recorded of drug- resistant tuberculosis. In a survey of over 90, 000 TB patients in 81 countries, the WHO found the levels of the disease that were resistant to a range of drugs were far higher than expected. The WHO said there were 9 million new cases of TB in 2006 alone and more.