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BBC news 2008-03-25 加文本

BBC 2008-03-25

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BBC News with Nick Kelly.

An investigation into the way foreign aid is spent in Afghanistan says that 10 billion dollars of the 25 billion that was promised just have never been delivered. It also found that most of the money bypasses the Afghan government and as much as 40% of it goes back to donor countries. An American official said poor security in Afghanistan meant that many development projects on which money would have been spent did not get under way. Alastair Leithead reports from Kabul.


Oxfam did the research and says even the money given has not been spent properly. Different countries have completely different approaches. Britain's Department for International Development spends most of its contribution through the government; while USAID spends almost all through contractors to ensure US taxpayers' money can be accounted for, an official said. The report adds that 2/3 of the aid misses out the government altogether, and around 40% of the donations go straight back to the donor country through contracts, consultant fees and expat wages.


The new Pakistani Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gillani has challenged President Pervez Musharraf just minutes after being overwhelmingly elected by parliament. Mr. Gillani promised to release all the judges detained when President Musharraf imposed emergency rule in November. The president has vowed to prevent their restoration. Shortly afterwards, the deposed Chief Justice Iftikhar Mahamad Chaudhry appeared on his balcony, waving to supporters after five months of house arrest. His spokesman Atal Minala hailed the new Prime Minister's decision.


"It is the dawn of democracy in this country and a step towards independence of judiciary, and we have no doubt at all that the commitment made by the two democratic parties on the ninth of March 2008 will be fulfilled, the judiciary will be restored with full honor, with Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry."


The Chinese-born engineer who was found guilty of conspiring to give American defense secrets to China has been sentenced to 24 years in prison. The engineer Chi Mak worked on sensitive submarine propulsion systems for a defense contractor. In his trial last year, United States prosecutors alleged that Mr. Chi gave thousands of sensitive documents to his brother to be passed on to the Chinese authorities. Chi Mak was also found guilty of acting as a foreign agent and of making false statements to federal agents.(www.hXen.com)


An American ship is reported to open fire on a small Egyptian boat in the Suez Canal, killing a man and wounding two others. The reports say that a motorboat approached an American cargo ship with intention of selling local goods when the ship opened fire. As many as 100 and other local vessels quickly gathered near the American ship, carrying other hawkers demanding an investigation. Egyptian officials say that the American ship had sailed from Dubai and had been transporting military equipment.


World News from the BBC.


One of the America's biggest banks J.P. Morgan Chase has increased its offer to buy its rival Bear Stearns whose share price collapsed last week. It's now offering ten dollars a share instead of two to pacify the bank shareholders. The board of Bear Stearns has indicated it will support the new offer.


Elections to choose the first-ever democratic government in Bhutan appeared to have led to a landslide win for a party described as “representing stability and experience”. Electoral officials say unofficial results show that the Bhutan United Party headed by former Prime Minister Jigme Thinley took nearly all seats in the vote for the lower house of Parliament. A Japanese election observer, Takio Yamada, praised the way the vote had been carried out.


"I think that this is a success, great success, and a great achievement for the Bhutanese people. This is a great step forward to achieving real democracy in this country."


And the top American General in Iraq David Petraeus has accused Iran of supplying the militants responsible for the latest attacks in Baghdad. His comments came a day after 15 civilians died during intense bombardment of the city's heavily-fortified Green Zone, and followed news that 4,000 US soldiers have now been killed in Iraq.


And that's the latest from BBC News.