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BBC news 2008-06-22 加文本

BBC 2008-06-22

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BBC News with Nick Kelly.

The opposition Movement for Democratic Change says a court in Zimbabwe has overturned a police ban that prevented a major rally before next week's presidential run-off election. The party said that the decision would allow the MDC to hold its rally in the capital Harare tomorrow. Peter Biles reports from Johannesburg.

Zimbabwe's MDC opposition has to apply for official permission to stage election rallies or public meetings, frequently the police blocked such events. But following a court application, the opposition says it's been allowed to hold a major event in Harare on Sunday. The MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai is expected to attend. This week in the face of a crackdown by the state, the MDC was complaining that it was being forced to campaign for the second round of the presidential election contest in conditions of virtual secrecy. The party is expected to make it clear within the next couple of days whether or not it will take part in the election run-off.

Farmers in Argentina have lifted most of the roadblocks they put into place across the country after coming to a temporary agreement to end the dispute which has caused widespread chaos. For almost the first time in more than three months of protests, food is arriving in Argentine shops and agricultural products are beginning to reach the ports. The cause of the dispute, a sharp increase in taxes on exports of soya and other agricultural exports is now to be debated by the Argentine Congress.

The most active armed group operating in Nigeria's main oil producing region in the Niger Delta has challenged the Nigerian army to a fight. The group, the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta or MEND, dismissed President Umaru Yar'Adua's call for tighter security of oil installations as a joke. It said it was now on the war footing and urged foreign workers to leave Nigeria.

Officials from the North and South of Sudan have agreed that the International Arbitration Court at The Hague should be asked to rule on the border disputes over an oil-rich area which has threatened to drag the country back to civil war. The dispute which emerged soon after the North and South Sudan signed a peace deal in 2005 concerns ownership of the Abyei Region which contains a large proportion of Sudan's oil reserves. Heavy fighting there last month left around 90 people dead and some 50,000 displaced.

The Mayor of Mexico City, Marcelo Ebrard, has accused the police of making serious errors during a raid at a nightclub on Friday night which led to a stampede and the deaths of at least twelve people. Mr. Ebrard suspended all public employees who were directly involved into the ... into illegal drug and alcohol sales.

"I have ordered the General Attorney of the Federal District to begin an immediate investigation, and also ordered that those responsible for this tragedy be punished. The public servants who executed the operation made serious mistakes."

World News from the BBC.

Rebels in Colombia have released a video to show that a politician they've been holding hostage for the past six years is still alive. Sigifredo Lopez is the only survivor of a group of twelve politicians who were killed while in captivity in 2005. These are the first images of Mr. Lopez to be released since then.

A team of inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency is beginning a visit to Syria to investigate a site which was bombed by Israeli warplanes last September. The United States and Israel said that Syria had been building a nuclear reactor at the site in its northern desert. Syria said the installations destroyed were empty military buildings. The ruins were bulldozed after the Israeli attack. A BBC correspondent in the region says the IAEA report will be eagerly awaited but their visit is likely to be kept away from the press.

Police in Macedonia have arrested a journalist on suspicion that he was behind three murder cases he'd been reporting on. The journalist, Vlado Taneski, is accused of kidnapping, abusing and raping three women. Andrew Craig reports.

Vlado Taneski is the correspondent for a Macedonia national newspaper in the town of Kicevo. A police spokesman said suspicion fell upon him when his reports included details of murders that the police themselves had not disclosed. The three cases involved elderly women who are raped and mutilated, then naked bodies were cut into pieces and dumped in plastic bags. The spokesman said Mr. Taneski's DNA appeared to be linked to the murdered women. He is also suspected over the disappearance of another woman who has been missing for several years. The police say that all the women bore similarities to Mr. Taneski's late mother with whom he had had a troubled relationship.(www.hXen.com)

And at the European Football Championships, Russia have caused an upset by beating the Netherlands in the quarter-final. The Dutch team equalized in the last few minutes of normal time, but in extra time, Russia scored twice and won, 3-1.

BBC News.