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BBC news 2008-08-16 加文本

BBC 2008-08-16

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Welcome to the latest global news recorded at 1500 GMT on Friday, the 15th of August. I'm Jackie Leonard with the selection of highlights from across BBC World Service news today.

Coming up, the West tells Russia it must get its troops out of Georgia. But our correspondent on the ground says there is no sign of that happening.

Never mind doping. Could genetic modification soon become the new way to cheat in sport? Also in the podcast, how would a sandal-clad champion of the poor cope as the new president of Paraguay, and after 75 years, a London haunt of celebrities and gangsters prepares to close its doors.

You look at, at the pictures, adorn the walls here at Walthamstow Stadium, and you'll see Brad Pitt, Claudia Schiffer and Guy Ritchie et cetera. They pretty much replace the Hollywood stars at their 30s, 40s, and the 50s, and the London gangsters there held clandestine meetings at Walthamstow, we know that.

Our reporter spends an evening at the dogging racing in Walthamstow.

But first, President Bush has accused the Kremlin of bullying and intimidation over its invasion and continued military occupation of Georgia. The US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has gone to Tbilisi to show America's support for President Mikhail Saakashvili, and to discuss a French-brokered ceasefire agreement. It requires both sides to pull back their forces, but the Russians are still in Georgia, in towns such as Gori and the Black Sea port of Poti, where they've taken control of the naval dockyard. Here is Julian Martial heard from the BBC's Richard Galpin in Poti.

I'm looking at the entrance to the ports, the military section of port that is right now. And the entrance has been sealed off. The Russian military have placed a couple of trucks across the gate, but I can see about ten troop transporters; I can see two Russian military speedboats, and at least one armored personnel carrier's still there, one moved out a little bit earlier. And a few hours ago, we had Russian helicopters flying in here including a gunship by which was firing out flares as it flew along very low level close to the port. One of those helicopters then landed briefly and then, they flew off. We've been speaking to the soldiers but they are very coy of course. They say they're here for a specific mission but won't go any further than that. We try to find out how long they're going to stay, and again, they refuse to answer.

What's your impression, are the Russians trying to control movement in and out of the port at Poti.

I don't think so, Julian. But I cannot be absolutely certain. We can't see what's happening. Ur, you know, just beyond inside the ports. My sense is that what they're doing is destroying the military equipment that seems to be their, main aim, at least we certainly know. I mean we went in on Thursday evening, and we could see some of the boats which have already been either crippled or sunk. These are, of course, Georgian navy vessels. We understand that up to six have been destroyed over the past few days. We also have reports that computer equipments, navigation equipments, has either been removed and destroyed as well. So,  I, I think that is their, their particular focus at the moment.

At a naval installation like this, you, you would normally expect the presence of the country's military. No sign of Georgian forces?

Absolutely no sign, whatsoever. There is no one here apart from the Russians. Occasionally, we get the odds, Georgian person walking out and having a bit of a chat with the Russian soldiers. But apart from that, no sign of any Georgian security forces. What we heard last night is that some Georgian troops did move up towards the town of Senaki which the Russians also controlled is about 30 kilometers east of here on the main east-west highway. And we thought, you know, possibly there could be some confrontation, but they moved back pretty quickly just like they did in Gori a few days ago when that Russian armored column moved out of Gori. There was Georgian troops sent at the highway, but they came back pretty quickly there too.(Www.hxen.net)

Meanwhile, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel has also called on Russia to withdraw its troops from Georgian soil as soon as possible. The Russian President Dmitry Medvedev who was hosting Angela Merkel in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, said Moscow was committed to the peace plan already agreed, but the Georgians would have to accept certain conditions. Our correspondent Sarah Rainsford is in Moscow, where she's been following the story.

The Russian president said Moscow is committed to the peace plan already agreed to end this conflict, but Dmitry Medvedev vowed that Moscow would respond in the same way to any future attack on Russian citizens, and described Russia as the guarantor of stability in the disputed region.