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BBC news 2008-09-22 加文本

BBC 2008-09-22

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BBC News with Fiona McDonald.

The South African President Thabo Mbeki has confirmed his resignation. He said in a televised national address, he respected the demand of his party, the African National Congress, and that his resignation would be effective from a date to be decided by Parliament. The ANC ordered Mr. Mbeki to step down after a judge dismissed on a technicality, charges of corruption against his bitter rival Jacob Zuma, and said there may have been a political interference in the case. Mr. Mbeki denied the allegation and said he had always respected the independence of the judiciary. 

We have never done this, and therefore never compromised the right of the National Prosecuting Authority to decide whom it wished to prosecute or not to prosecute. This applies equally to the painful matter relating to the court proceedings against the President of the ANC, Comrade Jacob Zuma.

The United States Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson says he is very aggressively urging other countries to follow the American-example in dealing with the international financial crisis. Mr. Paulson said they should adopt rescue plans similar to the one Washington wants to implement. He also urged Congress to quickly pass the 700-billion-dollar plan for helping financial institutions. Here is our economics correspondent Andrew Walker.

Mr. Paulson did not spell out which are the countries he thinks will take the action he is encouraging, or exactly what they are likely to do. However, some banks in Britain and Switzerland have made very large losses on financial assets based on the American housing market. And in Britain one leading home loans bank, HBOS or Halifax Bank of Scotland, came under intense pressure in the stock market last week, and saved itself by agreeing to be taken over by a competitor.

Health officials in China say that almost 13,000 children have now been admitted to hospital after drinking melamine contaminated milk. The Health Ministry said 104 babies showed serious symptoms. Four children have died after drinking the contaminated milk made by some of China’s main producers. The Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao said that the authorities would tighten regulations on product safety.

What we need to do now is make sure that this sort of thing doesn’t happen in the future and that’s not just dairy products. This kind of thing must not happen with any products. We must let the common people eat properly.

The Pakistani government says it will take targeted action against militants in the country, a day after a suicide bomber killed more than 50 people in the capital Islamabad. The most senior official in the Interior Ministry, Rehman Malik, told the BBC there remained one or two hotspots as he put it where operations based on intelligence would be launched. However, Mr. Malik said it was impossible to stop anybody determined to launch a suicide attack.

World News from the BBC.

The authorities in Georgia say a police officer has been shot dead near the breakaway region of Abkhazia. An Interior Ministry official said two others were injured when Abkhazian separatists opened fire on a police checkpoint in the village of Khurcha. Abkhazian officials denied there had been any shooting from their territory.

The Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert who is facing corruption allegations has formally admitted his resignation. Mr. Olmert’s successor is expected to be the Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni. Will Davis reports from Jerusalem.

It was two months ago that Ehud Olmert first announced that he would resign as Israel’s Prime Minister as soon as his Kadima Party has chosen a successor. Mr. Olmert said he was stepping down to fight serious allegations of corruption and bribery. Last week, Kadima elected a new leader, Tzipi Livni. So now as promised, Ehud Olmert has formally presented a letter of resignation to Israel’s President Shimon Peres. Mr. Olmert would now be asked to continue with all his ministers in an interim role until Tzipi Livni can put together a coalition government because Kadima does not have a majority in the Israeli parliament, that won’t be an easy task.

With nearly all the votes counted in the general election in Slovenia, the opposition Social Democrats and their allies appeared to have won a narrow victory over the governing centre-right Slovenian Democratic Party. With 99 percent of the votes counted, preliminary result showed Borut Pahor’s centre-left Social Democrats with a slim lead of 1.3%. But a strong performance by the Social Democrats’ main allies looked set to give the left a 43 to 40 seat majority.  (Www.hXen.com)

The United States have claimed a first Ryder Cup win since 1999 after an effective victory over Europe in Kentucky, leading 9:7, going into to Sunday Singles. The US golfers reached the 14 and a half points they needed for a victory when Jim Furyk beat Miguel Angel Jimenez.

BBC News.