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BBC news 2008-11-06 加文本

BBC 2008-11-06

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BBC News with Jim Lee.


The US president-elect Barack Obama has begun forming his new administration. Mr. Obama has asked the Illinois Congressman, Rahm Emanuel, who was once an advisor to President Clinton, to be his chief-of-staff. He is also expected to appoint a new treasury secretary soon. And there is speculation that the current Defense Secretary Robert Gates may be asked to stay on. From Washington, Jenner Bryon looks at Mr. Obama's choice for chief-of-staff.


Rahm Emanuel is another Democratic star, a former advisor to President Clinton, and a tough Washington insider, who's been strongly criticized by some Republicans as being too partisan. If he becomes the White House chief-of-staff, he would be responsible for much of the internal management of the new administration. But his appointment could accentuate party divides, rather than help heal them, as Mr. Obama has pledged to do.


Hours after Barack Obama's victory was declared, the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev announced that Moscow intends to deploy short-range missiles to counter President Bush's proposed missile defense shield in central Europe. He said the missiles would be placed in the Kaliningrad enclave, between Poland and Lithuania, both NATO countries. Mr. Medvedev said that Russia would also jam the US system electronically.

Apart from this, to neutralize, if need be, the US missile system, Iskander missiles will be deployed in Kaliningrad region. Naturally, we envisage that the resources of the Russian Navy will be used for these purposes as well.


The United Nations has ordered its peacekeepers in the Democratic Republic of Congo to defend the eastern city of Goma from any attack. In a significant hardening of the UN position, the head of the world's body's global peacekeeping operations, Alain Le Roy said the peacekeepers had orders to open fire on any armed groups that try to enter the city. He was speaking as fighting between rebel factions continued north of Goma.


We have to deny access to any armed groups into Goma. That's very clear. We consider that we're giving in the coming days, will allow, the best, most we can to make sure Goma remains safe and that we deny access to any armed groups within them.


President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan has condemned an American airstrike, which, he says, killed 40 people, including women and children. Intended target of Monday's attack in Kandahar province had been the Taliban, but instead, the US missile struck a wedding party. In a sharp response, Mr. Karzai demanded an end to civilian casualties.


Hundreds of protestors in Taiwan have dispersed after several hours surrounding a hotel, where China's most senior envoy to the island was holding talks. Riot police held back the demonstrators, who were protesting at what they saw as Chinese interference in Taiwan's affairs. The envoy has signed a series of trade and transport agreements.


World News from the BBC.


Californian voters have approved reinstating a ban on gay marriage months after it was legalized. The proposal that California's constitution be amended, to say, marriage can only take place between a man and a woman, was narrowly approved in a referendum. Correspondents say it places in doubt the legal status of thousands of gay couples who have married in California since May.


The American author Michael Crichton has died of cancer in Los Angeles. He was 66. Michael Crichton wrote many best-selling science fictions and thriller novels, most notably Jurassic Park. He also created the American television series ER. David Willis reports from Los Angeles.

Many of his books took a medical theme. A favorite plotline was the concept of scientific experiments going awry. Both Jurassic Park and The Andromede Strain took up those themes. Jurassic Park and its sequel The Lost World, were adapted into highly successful films directed by Steven Spielberg, and equally lucrative franchises. Michael Crichton's books sold over 100 million copies worldwide, and some were translated into as many as 30 languages. A statement from his family described him as a great storyteller, who challenged preconceived notions of the world around us.


Investigators in Mexico have begun examining the flight recorder from a plane that crashed in Mexico City on Tuesday, killing at least 14 people, including a senior minister. The government says investigators had not found any suspicious sign so far. The Mexican Interior Minister Juan Camilo Mourino was among those who died when the executive jet smashed into the center of the city. (WWw.hxen.net)


One of Osama bin Laden's sons has had his request for asylum in Spain rejected. The Spanish Interior Ministry said that Omar Osama bin Laden did not meet the conditions necessary for entering Spain. Reports said the authorities didn't believe his claim that his life was in danger. Omar bin Laden arrived at Madrid Airport on Monday during a stopover from Cairo.

BBC News.