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1. A huge international aid effort is gathering pace, but agencies still haven't been able to get supplies through to some areas.

be able to 能,会
例句:You should be able to converse comfortably.

2. In one district near the airport, the police told us they have picked up more than 100 bodies this morning.

pick up 捡起
例句:Can you pick up the apple for me?

3. There is still no large scale food distribution taking place and won't be for several more days.

take place 发生,举行
例句:They will now take place on january 15th.

4. Police in Canada say an investigation into child pornography has led to the rescue of nearly 400 children around the world and the arrest of 341 people.

lead to 把…带到;领到
例句:That can lead to serious consequences.

5. It is also alleged that Mr. way paid people to have children filmed in Eastern European countries in order to produce some of the movies that he would sell online.

in order to 为了…
例句:In order to focus effectively, reverse the order.

6. Iran's nuclear work has slow down considerably according to the IAEA report.

according to 根据,按照
例句:It did not go according to plan.

7. It says that since August Iran has installed only four of the centrifuge machines which enrich uranium compared to over 1,800 earlier in the summer.

compare to 把…比作, 喻为;与…相比
例句:They have nothing to compare to.