1. Pavel Durov, who said is regarded as the Russian version of Facebook, said that allies of the President Putin have taken over the network.
regard as 把…认作; 当做
例句:Here I advanced a criterion which I regard as the only valid one.
2. Ominously, Mr. Durov says he was asked to hand over the identities of the four contacted users who had played the role in the Maidan protests in Ukraine earlier this year.
hand over 交出; 交付; 交给
例句:He will hand over charge of his office tomorrow.
3. Pavel Durov, who said is regarded as the Russian version of Facebook, said that allies of the President Putin have taken over the network.
take over 带; 接管
例句:Have a rest. I'll take over.
你歇会儿, 我来替你。
4. A Pentagon spokesman said the troops will start arriving on Wednesday and will take part in what it called bilateral exercises.
take part in 参加…,参与…
例句:Take part in the physical exercises and build up your strength.