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1. The men here said that they had to retreat a couple of hours ago because of the presence of what they said were Russian tanks attacking them.

because of 因为,由于
例句:It arises because of the horizontal divergence. 

2. Nato leaders have also been discussing how the alliance should respond to the threat posed by the militant group Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

respond to 对…作出反应[回答]
例句:The capacity to respond to stimuli. 

3. So far no Nato member state has joined the United States in conducting air strikes against the group.

so far 到目前为止
例句:It is merely a hypothesis; so far. 

4. Shares of the company fell sharply after a federal judge in New Orleans ruled that BP's reckless conduct had led to the biggest offshore oil disaster in US history.

lead to 导致
例句:Economic models often lead to the study of systems of equations. 

5. However, much will depend on how large the court deems the spill to have been, a point of which it has not yet ruled.

depend on 依赖; 相信
例句:Can I depend on you? 

6. But a federal jury concluded that he and his wife, who say they are now estranged, used his office to endorse the healthcare products of a businessman in return for lavish gifts.

in return for 作为…的回报
例句:I bought him a drink in return for his help. 

7. They are due to be sentenced in January.

due to 欠下债[账],应给予; 由于
例句:My popularity was due to my performance. 

8. Joan Rivers was known for her lacerating and outrageous humour that took aim not only at Hollywood celebrities but also herself.

not only ... but also 不但…而且
例句:I can not only swim but also skate.