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1. The Ukrainian leader Petro Poroshenko said it was important that a political dialogue now took place.

take place 发生
例句:Earthquakes take place far underground. 

2. President Poroshenko maintains that territorial integrity of his country is not in doubt, but the leader of self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic said the ceasefire did not mean a change in the separatists' long-term goal to secede from Kiev.

in doubt 存在疑问; 大成问题
例句:His life hangs in doubt. 

3. They also agreed to set up a rapid reaction force.

agree to 同意, 赞成
例句:I agree to go with him.
set up 建立; 准备;  安排
例句:The students also set up debating teams.

4. Around 150 experts have spent the past two days looking at how they can fast track promising experimental drugs to make them available in West Africa as soon as possible.

as soon as possible 尽早,尽快; 从速
例句:Ok. We will inform you as soon as possible.

5. The US State Department's statement came after Iranian sources told BBC that the country's supreme leader had authorised one of the top commanders of the Revolutionary Guard to help coordinate operations against the Islamic State in northern Iraq with the US, Iraq and Kurdish forces.

come after 跟着…来,跟在…后面
例句:Men's best successes come after their disappointments.