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BBC在线收听下载:新版10美元纸币将印女性头像 系百年来首次



1. Police in the United States are searching for a white gunman, who shot dead nine people during a prayer meeting at an African-American church in the southern city of Charleston.

search for  寻找
例句:The search for peace also means the search for justice.

2. The shooting took place at one of the oldest African-American churches in the southern United States, which traces its roots back two centuries.

take place 发生
例句:Earthquakes take place far underground.

3. The police have said they would put all of their energies into finding the man who carried out the attack.

carry out 履行
例句:No matter what we do, we must carry out our duties.

4. Finance ministers from the Euro Zone are meeting in Luxemburg today to try to prevent Greece from defaulting on its debt in less than two weeks and being forced out of the single currency.

prevent from 阻止, 防止
例句:In such wet weather we must prevent the seedlings from rotting.

5. A British corporate investigator says the Chinese authorities denied him urgent medical treatment in order to extort a confession.

in order to 为了…
例句:You must go through customs in order to pass across the border.

6. He said Chinese authorities had denied him treatment for prostate problems as a way of trying to force him to confess, already now has a tumour as a result of not getting the medical attention he needed.

as a result of 结果
例句:Many facts emerged as a result of the investigation.

7. A judge said this put her eleven-month old son at risk of picking up infection.

pick up 捡起
例句:She stooped to pick up her bag from the ground.