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BBC在线收听下载:担忧中国经济 亚洲股市重挫



1. Syrian officials say the Islamic state groups have blown up a renowned ancient temple in the city of Palmyra.

blow up (使) 爆炸; 产生; 爆发
例句:He tried to blow up a fire. The fire died out, instead.

2. Shanghai's main share index plunged and was down more than 8% at one point.

at one point 一度; 在某一刻
例句:At one point it seemed that the plane would fall apart in the shaking.

3. Over the weekend, China allowed pension funds to invest in the stocks for the first time, and apparent attempted by the government to show up confidence.

show up 显而易见; 到场
例句:Perhaps they'll show up. In the meantime,

4. Thousands more asylum-seekers are expected to cross into the European Union by Hungray over the next few days, they were able to travel through to Serbia, after Macedonia abandoned forceful attempts to stop them at its border with Greece.

be able to 能够
例句:He is able to free Jim from the immediate evil of slavery.

5. But for now, at least refugees are simply walking around the incomplete fence, or climbing over it.

at least 至少
例句:In fact it requires at least n generators.