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BBC在线收听下载:巴西蚊传热致出生缺陷 一州已宣布紧急状态



1. The prospect of more progress its long-stalled negotiations for EU membership and the carry out in less than a year's time, Turkey’s citizens could travel to European country that in the Schengen area without visas.

carry out 进行; 执行; 完成
例句:No matter what we do, we must carry out our duties.

2. But a leaked US document appears to rule out Washington's signing up to any legally binding agreements.

rule out 用直线划掉; 宣布…不可能
例句:We had to rule out the possibility of increased supplies.

3. The BBC corespondent said the Americans have also provoked anger by insisting that richer nations should no longer accept more responsibility than poorer countries for reducing greenhouse gas missions.

no longer 不再
例句:He could no longer hold back his tears.

4. The Brazilian state of Pernambco has declared a state of emergency to help speed up the official response to the Zika fever, a mosquito-borne virus from Africa which have been linked to spike in birth defects across the county.

speed up (使) 加速; 开快车
例句:The hearts speed up.

5. It was delayed because of a coup attempt.

because of 因为
例句:John's jacket got out of shape because of the heavy rain.

6. The former All Black, widely regarded as one of the best players of all time died earlier this month at the age of 40.

at the age of 在…岁时
例句:Children enter primary school at the age of 7.

7. Biologists in Columbia say drought has forced two hippopotamuses into a town in search of food.

in search of 寻找
例句:They set off in search of the lost child.

8. A number of them have broken out to travel hundreds of kilometers along rivers in search of new territory, Candas Piat reporting.

a number of 一些; 许多的
例句:Monkeys are transmitters of a number of dangerous diseases.