BBC在线收听下载:奥巴马访问密歇根州 安抚水污染危机居民
1. I will not rest and I will make sure the leaders at every level of government do not rest until every drop of water that flows to your homes is safe to drink, and safe to cook with, and safe to bathe in because that’s part of the basic responsibilities of a government in the United States of America.
make sure 把事情弄清楚,核实或查明某事物
例句:Make sure your grammar and spelling are correct, and no typos!
2. Unable to travel from California to Minneapolis himself, the doctor Howard Kornfeld is said by his lawyer to have sent his son Andrew with drugs to help the singer deal with a painkiller addiction.
deal with 应付; 对待; 惠顾; 与…交易
例句:I have a huge pile of letters to deal with.