BBC news 2016-12-21
BBC News with Marian Marshal.
The Russian ambassador to Turkey has been shot dead by an off-duty police officer at an Art Gallery in Ankara. TV pictures showed the ambassador Andrey Karlov making a speech when the gunmen wearing a suit and tie opened fire from behind him, shouting a message about Syrian city of Aleppo. Turkish media reporter says the gunman has been killed. Russia says it regards the killing of Ambassador Karlov as an activity of terrorism. US secretary of state John Kerry says America is ready to help investigate the attack.
United Nations Security Council has unanimously approved the deployment of observers in the last rebel-held part of eastern Aleppo. They will monitor the ongoing evacuation of fighters and civilians from the enclave as pro-government forces take control.
Saudi Arabia has acknowledged using British made cluster bombs in the war in Yemen who says it will stop doing so. The Saudi says the weapons were dropped on the legitimate military targets although they considered that civilian casualties were caused. Up to now, they always denied using the bombs.
The Cuban government has announced a two-month trial scheme to allow Internet access in private homes for the first time. The project will involve about two thousand properties in the capital’s colonial district Otto Valan.
The Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari has ordered the Attorney General to investigate alleged corruption by a number of senior government officials. The president's opponents accused him of carrying out a politically motivated witch hunt.
Leo Majian, the singer who became a star in France from 1930s to 1950s, has died at age 104. Leo Majian said she and a small group of other French singers were responsible for introducing Jazz to France during the Nazi occupation of France during World War II. She was condemned by many for singing in capris frequently by Germany officers.
BBC News.