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BBC news 2017-03-10

BBC news with Marion Marshall.

Fire fighters in Guatemala say at least 19 children have died in a blaze at a government-run children’s home southeast of the capital Guatemala City. Many others were injured. It’s not yet clear what caused the fire but on Tuesday, the police had to intervene after a riot broke out the home. About 60 children escaped.

The German Chancellor Angela Merkel has rejected claims that her government was negligent in its handling of the emissions cheating scandal at the car giant Volkswagen. Inquiry is seeking to establish what the German government knew about breaches of emission standards.

Officials in Afghanistan say more than 30 people died in an attack of military hospital in the capital Kabul. Four men launched the attack. Some arrived dressed as doctors. The Islamic State group says it carried out the attack.
In its latest advance against Islamic State group in Mosul, the Iraqi army says it’s retaken the prison while jihadists reportedly carried out massacre executions. It said it also gained control of a key route nearby, cutting the jihadists last route west.

Two US congressional committees are considering proposals to replace Obamacare--the health insurance law set up by President Barack Obama. The House Speaker Paul Ryan described it as an exciting conservative reform, but many Republican Congressman opposed the new plan.

Police in the Gambia have confirmed they exhumed the body of a political activist in order to establish the cause of his death. Solo Sandeng did not die in police custody after leading a pro-democracy demonstration against the former President Yahya Jammeh.

New evidences suggest that our closest extinct relatives the Neanderthals used doses themselves with medicinal plants while they felt unwell. Traces of Neanderthal dental club revealed they used natural versions of aspirin which they found in the bulk of the poplar tree and antibiotics.