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Venezuela’s controversial constituent assembly has been holding its first session in the capital, Caracas. In a defiance speech, the head of a new assembly warned the opposition against violent protesters and told foreign governments not to interfere in Venezuela. Critics of President Nicolas Maduro believe the new assembly is an attempt to sideline the opposition-led parliament.
委内瑞拉备受争议的第一届制宪大会在首都加拉加斯召开。在一次驳辩中,新一届制宪大会领导人警示反对派注意暴力的抗议示威者,并告诫外国政府不要插手委内瑞拉内务。总统尼古拉斯 马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)的批评家表示,新一届制宪大会是想要迫使反对派领导的国会退出政坛。

A former aide to the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed to testify in corruption cases in which Mr. Netanyahu has been questioned. Ari Harow is expected to give evidence as part of two investigations. Mr. Netanyahu denies wrongdoing.
以色列总理内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)的前助手同意为内塔尼亚胡正在接受审讯的贪污案出庭作证。这位助手名为阿里 霍罗(Ari Harow),他预计为两次调查提供证据。内塔尼亚胡方面否认有过贪污行为。

The US Attorney General Jeff Sessions has condemned what he called the staggering number of leaks which have been set by the Trump Administration. He told at a news conference in Washington that the media should not be allowed to place lives at risk with impunity.
美国司法部长杰夫 塞欣斯(Jeff Sessions)指责特朗普政府任期期间导致大量数据泄露。他在华盛顿举行的一次新闻发布会上表示道,媒体不应该将无数生命置于危险之中而不受责罚。

Forces backing Yemen’s government have reportedly driven Al Qaeda fighters out of the main cities of Shabwah province in the south of the country. The troops were supported by the local tribes’ men and assisted by forces from the US and the United Arab Emirates.

Votes have been accounted in Rwanda in a presidential election widely expected to result in a landslide victory for the incumbent Paul Kagame. The first result will be announced in the next few hours. Critics accused Mr. Kagame of ruling through fear.
卢旺达总统大选已经开始计票。公众普遍认为,在这次选举中,现任总统卡加梅(Paul Kagame)将以压倒性的优势再次胜出。第一轮投票结果将在数小时后宣布。评论家指责卡加梅通过让民众恐惧来治理国家。

A former executive of the Germany car company Volkswagen has pleaded guilty in court to conspiring to mislead US regulators about diesel emissions. Oliver Schmidt faces up to 7 years in jail. He is the second former VW employee to admit his role in the scandal.
德国车企大众前高管已在法庭认罪,承认曾参涉误导美国监管单位柴油排放量的勾当。此人名为奥利弗 施密特(Oliver Schmidt),将面临7年牢狱之灾。他是大众公司第二个承认参涉丑闻的前任员工。

The World Athletics championships have opened in London with the Jamaica sprinter Usain Bolt competing for the last time before retirement. He is defending his 100-meter title. Britain’s Mo Farah is aiming for gold in the 10,000 meters.
世界田径锦标赛已在伦敦召开。这是牙买加短跑选手尤塞恩 博尔特(Usain Bolt)退役前的最后一战。此次他将为自己100米短跑的冠军卫冕奋力一搏。英国选手莫 法拉(Mo Farah)此次将参加1万米金牌的角逐。

BBC News.