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BBC News with Ally Macue.

The Spanish Senate will meet shortly to approve government plans to strip the autonomous region of Catalonia of some of its powers. Triggering Artical 155 of the Spainish constitution to prevent Catalonia from breaking away would be uNPRecedented. The Catalan authority say it would worsen the political crisis, making the declaration of independence today by the regional parliament more likely.

Australia's high court has ruled that the deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce can not remain in office because he held dual citizenship with New Zealand when he was elected, breaching the constitution. It’s cost the Australian government its one seat majority in parliament.
澳大利亚高等法院判决,副总理乔伊斯(Barnaby Joyce)无法继续任职,因其在当选副总理时还拥有新西兰的双重国籍,这违反了宪法。乔伊斯的离职导致澳大利亚当前政府失去了议会中一个席位的优势。

Kenya's electoral commission says the turnout in Thursday's rerun of the presidential poll would sharply down on the initial vote in August. It's now put under 34%. The figure suggests that many Kenyans heated an opposition call to boycott the election.

French Scientists have suggested that the chances of surviving open-heart surgery are affected by the body's biological clock. A study of 500 patients found that those operated on in the afternoon were half as likely to suffer potentially fatal complications as those treated in the morning.

In a spectacular ceremony in Thailand, the ashes and relics of late Thai king have been transferred from a specially built crematorium in Bangkok.
在泰国举行的盛大典礼上,泰国已逝国王普密蓬(Bhumibol Adulyadej)的骨灰和遗物被转移到了曼谷一处特别建造的火葬场。

The trading floor after the Hong Kong stock exchange will soon close for last time. It’s the latest to shut down because of changes in technology and regulations.

And 2 Hawaii women and their dogs have been rescued by the United States Navy after being lost in the sea for 5 months. They survived, thanks to a water purifier and a store of dried food.