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Police in Kenya have shut down several independent television stations as they were preparing to broadcast a ceremony which the opposition says will see its leader Ralia Odinga inaugurated as President. The government has warned news organization agencies against broadcasting the event which it says will be treasonous.
肯尼亚警方在几家独立电视台正准备报道反对派领袖莱拉 欧丁加(Ralia Odinga)就职总统的仪式之际,勒令其停工。肯尼亚政府警告多家新闻机构不许报道这次事件,称这是叛国行为。

The head of the CIA Mike Pompeo has told the BBC that he’s concerned by the level of Chinese influence in the United States and Europe. Mr. Pompeo said he’d seen focused efforts by China to steal information and infiltrate western spy networks.
美国中央情报局(CIA)局长迈克 皮奥奥(Mike Pompeo)在接受BBC采访时表示,他担心中国对美国和欧洲产生的影响程度过高。皮奥奥表示他认为中方专注于窃取情报,并深入西方的间谍体系之中。

The Catalan parliament is due to vote later on whether to re-appoint the former separatist leader Carles Puigdemont as regional president. The Spanish Constitutional Court has ruled that Mr. Puigdemont who is self-imposed exile in Belgium can only be inaugurated if he’s physically present.
加泰罗尼亚议会不久后将就是否重新任命前分裂主义领袖卡莱斯 普伊格德蒙特(Carles Puigdemont)为地区总统而进行投票。西班牙宪法法院判决普伊格德蒙特身在比利时,并处于自我流放。若想当选,必须人在西班牙。

Police in the Indian capital New Delhi say an 8-month baby girl is in a critically condition after she was allegedly raped. Her parents took her to hospital after discovering her baby was covered in blood. Police have arrested the child’s 28-year-old cousin.

Talks aimed to find a political resolution to the conflict in Syria are beginning in the Southern Russian city of Sochi. The meeting at the Syrian dialogue congress has been brokered by Russia, Turkey and Iran. But the country’s main opposition group has said they would boycott the event.

A group of young Colombians have filed what they say is the first climate change lawsuit in Latin America. The youth are demanding the government act to protect their constitutional right to a healthy environment.

The prestigious Michelin guide has allowed a French restaurant to be removed from its listings after a chef said he did not want the pressure associated with being one of the world’s most highly rated restaurants. The restaurant held Michelin’s maximum three-star rating.

BBC News.