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When you leave this campus, you will be well-prepared for any endeavor you choose. To those of you who've jobs lined up , I, I congratulations. To those of you not exactly sure what comes next, I know how you feel.
As you embark on this journey let me leave you with a few last pieces of advice. First, listen to your mother.
As you can see, mom is out of the hospital and everything is back to normal. After all, she's still telling me what to do. Second, develop a set of principles to live by, convictions and ideals to guide your course.
Remember that popularity is as fleeting as the Texas wind. Character and conscience are as sturdy as the oaks on this campus. If you go home at night, look in the mirror and be satisfied that you have done what is right, you'll pass the only test that matters.
 And finally be on the lookout for role models, people whose conduct you admire and whose path you can follow.
Gig'em Aggies(1)! Congratulations, and may God bless you.


(1) Gig'em Aggies: Gig'em Aggies is both a saying and the universal hand gesture of all Texas A&M University current and former students as sign of affiliation. The hand gesture, a thumbs up,can be made with an upward-type motion or used in conjunction with the saying.