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Brothers Choco and Furby have lived together for eight years (Come on in.) and apprehensively entered their new caged quarters.

The economy has orphaned the Chows.

-She gave up two family members when she brought them to us.

Their owner lost her home.

-These dogs are here because the owner actually ended up in a foreclosure, having the downsized situation, couldn't afford to keep them any longer.

It is a sad tale playing out for pet owners around the country. Michael McGeough lives a lean life on a fixed income. But rising gas and grocery costs forced him to surrender his cat to a shelter.

-Yeah, I (had a ) hard time letting her go, she cried all the way there.

All he has left of Zeba is her food dish. McGeough says he could no longer afford to feed her.

-Well, I was getting the help you know on the food bank and came through a lot of times that they haven’t stuffing. By the time we finished grocery shopping, and summed by cat food, I'm like broke.

As money strains grow, shelter workers worry so will pet surrenders and the number of owners putting off annual check-ups they can't afford.  Finances are still tight for McGeough. But he no longer fears his cat’s fate.

 -I felt good when I heard that she was adopted.

 Now these victims of foreclosure need a new home too.


In Bellevue, Elisa Jaffe, Komo 4 News.




1. Foreclosure : N-Var

Foreclosure is when someone who has lent money to a person or organization so that they can buy property takes possession of the property because the money has not been repaid. (BUSINESS)

2. play out : phrasal verb

If a dramatic event is played out, it gradually takes place.

3. live : verb

If you say that someone lives in particular circumstances or that they live a particular kind of life, you mean that they are in those circumstances or that they have that kind of life.

4. lean : adj

If you describe periods of time as lean, you mean that people have less of something such as money or are less successful than they used to be.