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If you are trying to climb the corporate ladder? Maybe you are fresh out of the business school. You’d like to earn enough to start paying back all those loans. So securing a job that pays more than 100k could certainly helps about with that. With me now is Alex Duzei, he is a co-founder of the ladders.com, it's a web site that helps to do exactly that. Thanks for joining us.

Yeah, thanks for inviting me!

Sure, in your most recently Quarterly Job Trends Report, you said that those senior level positions. People looking for those are really feeling the impact of the recession. So do you think that the US is in a recession in terms at least of people are trying to find good high paying jobs?

Uh, it is a difficult question to answer because some sectors we are looking at in the era of recession are those we are actually seeing the expansion in the India booming sector. So we really have to look at the level they are. For instance, if you look at the financial service industry, I think it's pretty clear that it is in recession. We see it actually in New York as well as in London. But if you looking at sector for instance like that technology or health care, those sectors are booming. They are really hiring extensively and even recruiting all of senior level professionals.

But when you say health care, you mean big pharmaceutical companies, big techniques like Google. What are you talking about?

Uh, so big pharmaceutical companies like the Novartis, Klaypsys and Pfizer, technology, Google, Microsoft, you know Siemens, companies that like this.

So how do people use your site? You know a lot people use sites like monster.com. that has a wide range of jobs and different salary levels. So who is coming to your site, how are they using it? And maybe some stories that about people they really have found work through it, especially in this economic environment.

Yes so, we have focus. We cater to the higher-end job market. We really find or a market as 100,000 plus a year. And people come and join the ladders we create job sites yet to pay some membership fee. You’re coming; you post you whole resume on the sites. And you know you have access to different value-added services. You can always look at jobs and apply for jobs. We also have a networking product where you can contact with recruiters directly and then work with them. You might end up with a job that is in a personal site but that may lead to a job that you know you might be right for later on. And you want all the relationship with our recruiters. We also help people with their resume. We see that nine or ten professionals or executives you know, with poorly written resume they need help. Not so much that you know that they don't read contacts but they need a position that is right for the job market. We work very close with recruiters. We can help them tell them this is recruiters they are looking for.

And let's talk about numbers here, how many jobs are posted on the site? How many people are using that, and also expansion into Europe which started last year?

Yeah, so we have about two million registered user on the ladders.com to date some of the jobs on the website, we have 36,000 recruiters using our sites every day expect to source candidates. We have about 10000 new jobs being posted on our site every week. So as you can see, it is just a hot base where the largest market place for hiring jobs in the US.

Tell me a little about that European expansion.

So but a year ago, we decided one, you know, most of the job seekers aren't just looking at the US. We are just looking at helping job seeker overseas. We felt the offering wasn't been provided anywhere else in the world. So the UK market being the second largest online recruiting market for higher-end jobs makes sense for us to be the first place where we try our international expansion. So we launched our website last July in UK and we now have an office in a team on the ground and this is said to be growing and expanding quickly.

Thinking about Asia at all?

I think that's a much more long-term. Oh after the UK we will probably expand further into continental Europe, so market like Germany, France and at some point, we start looking into Asia. I think it's just a different recruitment market over there.

Ok thank you so much. I appreciated it, if you are looking for one of those jobs 100k, check it out  the ladders.com.