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Hello and welcome to this latest episode of Megawhat. I’m Katie Scott.

We’ve come down to Grand Designs Live in the center of London to get a glimpse of the gadgets of future in the British home. Stay tunes.

Hello, and welcome to the Sony House of the Future which is the manufacturer's concept of the type of home we could all be living in in the future. So we are now looking at basically key efficiency and making it most out of facilities in your kitchen. This wok is absolutely amazing. First on my thought when I'm doing it, I was thinking actually I can’t believe, it's actually, happening in front of me. So what I’m gonna to do is gonna take some water from this bottle. This is just normal water. I’ll pour actually over my fingers. So you can see I’m not burning myself, yes, it’s actually cold. That’s a relief. And then what I ‘m gonna to do is, just lift the wok and then put it into, above De Dietrich  cradle. And without seeing me out of the camera, what you're seeing now is that the steam coming off already. The guy who did demo earlier said that this is so much more efficient than anything on the market in terms of electricity and gas. Look! The steam's coming out, but what is so, so incredible is when I actually lift this wok off now. Take it away. Then, it’s not hot ,you thought I was gonna burn myself then, and I didn’t .So that is the De Dietrich wok.

Though I’m the most appalling cook, but this oven, I think, might actually save me; it's got the intelligent cooking system. So if I press OK, now it is just turning in. And what you can do, she can go up and down, and basically intelligent cooking system. So OK that. And then you can go up and down on the list, and basically pick what you gonna cook. So let’s pick roast beef medium because your mother-in-law is coming over, and you know you're gonna mess up. Press OK. And basically what it tells you now is how long it’s gonna take to cook, because it allows you to take a measurement of the hunk of meat that you put in that. And you all know its density so, you know, how to get it right, not this said you wants it medium, much parts are rare. And that saying 44 minutes, but say, she is not arriving until a bit later; you can actually change the time. So that your beef is ready, exactly when she comes through the door, exactly when you’re giving her a glass of wine, and then you just present this perfectly cooked meal and smile and not mention the amazing cooking system you've got to store away in your kitchen.

If you’ve yet to get an iPod dock from a thousand that are already available and maybe this one might change your mind. It’s the Audio Pro Porto, and it's an iPod dock that comes with a handy carry handle, made from leather. Smells good! It comes in red and black and will cost you/ 180 quids. Speakers at the front promise plenty of sounds. As you can hear its nice, mellow-rounded tunes, and there's a couple of line-ins if you haven't got an iPod in the back. It also get a FM radio and of course the dock comes with a remote control as well as the ability to charge if it’s plugged in. All of that 180 pounds is available now.