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I’m Hilarie Barsky for Good Morning America, now my guest is Cindy Crawford.

Happy Pre-Mothers Day.

oh, thank you, yeah, great.

Do your kids do anything special?

Er, I’m sure I will be getting some object made out of clay. Yeah, I actually, I saw them working on it last week when I was volunteering at school, and they were like "you’re not supposed to be seen". And I was like, "Ok, I don’t see it, but yes, I know I’m getting a clay hand in fact.

They’re six and eight.


And they have made you eco-friendly in a way.

Well, I think as soon as you become a mother, you start having more concern about the planet that you are bringing children, you know, to live on. But also the school that they go to is very environmentally aware, and it’s just a big part of the curriculum there, and it’s, it's kind of shown me that I need to pay more attention to it and we’ve learned from each other, you know, like we go art school, there is a beach clean-up every year and we all go, we do it together. And I think that they, if they saw me wasting plastic or whatever, they would say something, it’s kinda like smoking, you kown, how now, if you, if anyone smokes the 5-year-old, it's like, mom, don't, I mean I don’t smoke, but I've seen kids will... (yes, sure) My, for instance, my mother smokes, and my daughter is just so mad at her. (Really?) "how I told grandma to stop?". But it’s same with wasting plastic or, you know, running, you know, they know, turn off the water when you’re not, when you’re brushing your teeth, like, they don’t just leave it run. They already know that it's...

Wow! They’re just so savvy.

But I think, I think that's just, they just makes us seem like old-timeies that we don't, that we had to learn that, they’re just growing up in the world with that is the way it is.

And tell us you have developed this reusable water bottle.

Well, I teamed up with pure water filtration which is, er, they make water filters for home use. We/ teamed up to make reusable aluminum bottles. We called it “thirsty for change”. And even I started just myself, like, OK, I’m not gonna use plastic water bottles at home, I started just but easy. And I stopped six water bottles a day, six plastic water bottles which is over 2000 a year. I mean, it’s, and so, I thought, wow, and then my kids see me doing it, my husband sees me doing it, and other people who’re at my house. I just have one another picture, sitting out, and have a room temp warn, and I have one fridge, it's cold. And that’s what I give people now. And then, when you make one small change like that, you are like, well, what else can I do, it’s, it's empowering to do little changes like that.

What is interesting is you said that I threw out some bottles of water this morning and put them into the recyclable bin in my apartment building,(Right.) I couldn’t believe how many bottles I threw out.

It’s like 50 billion water bottles, I think, a year that we use in America, and only less than 15% are recycled. So that’s 86% are unrecycled. And you know, besides the financial implication, that plastic is made from petroleum, from oil. And I think that the numbers on that were something like, if, if we didn’t use, if Americans didn’t use all the plastic bottles, it would fuel 100,000 cars for one year. (It’s incredible.) And when you think about that, and just, and the cars, because the part/ of the cost of bottled water is the bottle that we throw out. And also, you know, there're a lot of health concerns about when those water bottles are heated up if you leave it in your car.

Yeah, we were talking about that. Sure.

Just like, just getting into the water, I mean the aluminum does not leach anything into the water. Plus, I mean, I think New York, everyone says the drinking water here is good, right?

It's great.

But where they test it is at the plant. It, and that's, sometimes, it’s going through very old pipes to actually get to your apartment. So even though, it might taste good.


There's stuff that you might not see. (Sure) And when you filter water into pure water, it’s a three times filter, that’s a triple filtration system, and it actually tastes great. And you know that you’re not getting any lead or any the other, you know, things that could be lurking in old, very old pipes.