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5月8日,美国内政部长肯·萨拉萨尔宣布,自 “9·11”恐怖袭击事件后关闭的纽约自由女神像的头冠部分将于今年7月4日美国独立日重新对公众开放。为配合头冠部分的重新开放,纽约公园局将采取加高旋梯扶栏、增加值班人员等安全措施。
If you were watching the Today Show this morning, then you saw the most dramatic opening segment we can remember in quite a while. There they all are, our friends from the Today Show family in the crown of Lady Liberty to announce some big news concerning that statue. Our reports tonight from NBC's Mike Taibbi.

Our gift from France was always one of those vertical man-made wonders, like the Washington monument, the Eiffel Tower, that entice kids to say" Can we climb to the top?" "yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." and parents to say" I guess if you really want to". Well, maybe some grown-ups still like the idea.

"I would walk every single stair to see the top."

"I think it's awesome, it's about time."

But to Today Show's Matt Lauer got this scoop from Interior Secretary Ken Salazar this morning that track to the top suspended since 911 are on again.

"Today we are announcing that on the 4th of July, we will open up the crown of the Statue of Liberty here in New York and New Jersey to the entire people of America."

If you ever do get up there as I did in 1984 when Lady Liberty got a facelift for her septennial party, you will never forget it. Not everybody who wants to. You take the boat on to Liberty Island will get to visit the crown. That will be a lottery, a maximum of 30 people at a time. These Brooklyn six graders were so excited, they didn't notice my crown was on wrong.

"How many would you wanna climb all the way up to the top?"

The statue was so huge. It arrived from France in 350 individual pieces in 214 crates that took 4 months to assemble. And your climb to the crown would be 250 feet up and 346 winding steps. Also be aware that the statue is designed to bend in a brisk wind, several inches, meaning you can feel like moving.

" I probably feel woozy, coz it sways back and forth."

But the point is as at July 4th, if you want, you can feel like moving even as it moves you. Mike Taibbi, NBC News, New York.


在美国纽约市海港内有一座称被为自由岛的小岛。岛上矗立着一座巨大的雕像,当地华人称她为“自由女神”像 (Statue of liberty) 。其全称为“自由女神铜像国际纪念碑”,正式名称是“照耀世界的自由女神”。