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On this morning's Health Watch, coffee and strokes. A recent study found the more cups of coffee you drink, the less likely you are to suffer a stroke. Here with more details, our own Dr. Jennifer Ashton. Good morning!
Good morning Julie!

Now tell me more about the study and who funded this study?

Right. So put another one in the win column for the health benefits of coffee. This was a study funded actually by NIH, done out of the UCLA Stroke Center, reputable. And actually it looked at 20,000 people, coffee drinkers, non-coffee drinkers, found that those who drink coffee have less stroke, and that stroke risk actually decreased the more coffee they drink. It's very interesting.

So how much coffee are we talking about?

Well, probably more than you and I have a day. They actually saw the largest benefit with those who consume six or more cups a day. So we're talking a considerable amount.

Does that mean I have to drink six cups a day to get the benefits of maybe not having a stroke?

Well, this is one of those things we have to take it, you know, it.. really in conjunction with everything else. This is one potential benefit, and again we know that there can be risks seen with the more coffee that we consume. People are variably, more sensitive or less sensitive to higher amounts of caffeine, so it's just one piece of the puzzle.

What, do we know the "why" behind this?

You know they are starting to look at it more. One of the theories is that there are anti-oxidants in coffee and tea by the way that may be protective. But it also may be that there are something in coffee or caffeine that works synergistically, or in conjunction with other factors, and therefore prevents stroke, so it's really evolving.

So does this study mean this applies to all caffeine, like let's say, someone really likes Red Bull, or tea, or chocolate?

Right, not, no, exactly. Chocolate, I love that. Not known if it does have the same effects when you are talking about soda, chocolate, energy drinks. Right now, it's coffee and probably tea as well.

All right. You mentioned that there are other risks. Tell me all the, all the things that are currently that we know in the win column for having coffee.

Right, so the possible, and then the others.

And then the others.