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天天晒太阳 提防皮肤癌



Temperatures over the Bank Holiday weekend have been the highest of the year so far and rivaled many foreign holiday destinations. So lots of us have put on the shorts and gone out to bath in the warmth. But Cancer Research UK are warning that what they call "binge tanning" is partly to blame for the massive rise in the number of people with the deadliest form of skin cancer. Cases as malignant melanoma which is potentially fatal have risen by more than 650 since last year, that means the number of cases diagnosed in the UK is now above 10,400. Here is an announce from Cancer Research UK:

skin cancer 皮肤癌

"And we do know that more women are diagnosed with the disease than men but more men die from the disease. And we can't be 100% sure of why that is. But it certainly seems that skin cancer has been picked up later in men and that maybe that men are less likely to go to the doctors when they find something suspicious. And the changes that we are talking about, when we are talking about suspicious changes are, changes to the size, shape and color of an existing mole or to a patch of skin that suddenly becomes pigmented where it wasn't before."

be diagnosed with the disease 被诊断患有……疾病

The charity says it doesn't mean you can't get out and enjoy the sun. They just warn that people should be careful by staying in the shade during the hottest parts of the day, covering up and applying plenty of sun cream.

apply sun cream 涂抹防晒霜