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Science wasn't her initial choice of career. Her first job as a simultaneous interpreter for the United Nations in Geneva led to a chance encounter with one of the most renowned psychologists of all time and to her ultimately pursuing a career in psychology. Over 40 years later, and she's won many awards and is a world expert in how the brain develops, how babies and children learn, and why the process of learning itself is a dynamic one. She researches how developmental disorders like Williams and Down syndrome can help us understand the process of development and how genes influence behaviour. Her controversial response to guidance issued by the American Academy of Pediatrics, that parents should discourage TV viewing in children under two, is that if the subject matter is chosen well and is scientifically based, a TV screen can be better for a baby than a book. Annette Karmiloff-Smith, welcome to the Life Scientific.


Thank you.

What would you say is the most extraordinary thing that babies learn?

They learn to learn. I think that's the most extraordinary thing that the human baby is absolutely dynamic in its learning. So I wouldn't say any domain, so wouldn't choose a language or number or anything. I just say they learn to learn and they get better at learning.