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European market’s starting the day in the positive with mining stocks, like Rio-Tinto, leading the way up. A deal may very soon be in place for Magna International to buy the European Unit of General Motors. This is according to the President of GM's Euro division Carl-Peter Forster. He wrote in his corporate blog that while they are fully committed to getting this deal done, the hope is the details are gonna be hammered out by next month with the closing complete by September.

Well, the so-called world's cheapest car, may be on the road to Europe. India's Tata Motor says it hopes to offer the Nano to European customers within the next two years. Now Tata says the Nano gets about 65 miles a gallon, it’ll cost around 2,300 dollars. The Nano meets all of India's emission and crash standards, so they hope they can bring the car to both Europe and the US by 2011. The Nano will debut in India next month.

From the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, I'm Carter Evans for cnnMoney .com


1.       be committed to: 致力于

2.       be hammered out: to decide on an agreement, contract etc after a lot of discussion and disagreement

3.       debut: to appear in public or become available for the first time

4.       floor: The area of an exchange where securities are traded.