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The French government has expressed disappointment of Mexico's decision to make a French woman convicted of kidnapping serve a 60-year sentence in a Mexican jail. The Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said he was very upset at Mexico's refusal to allow the woman Florence Cassez to serve the sentence in France. Stephen Gibbs reports from Mexico City.

The case of Florence Cassez has long been controversial in both Mexico and France. She was arrested in 2005 at a ranch near Mexico City where three kidnapping victims, including an eight-year-old child, had been held for over two months. It later emerged that the arrest as seen by the public was in fact a reenactment staged by the police for the news media. Ms. Cassez has always said her only connection with the case was that she was the girlfriend of the man who's understood to have been the lead kidnaper. But her victims identified her, and said she took an active role in their abductions.

BBC News