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阿迪达斯原本由两兄弟共同开设,在分道扬镳后,阿道夫的哥哥鲁道夫·达斯勒(Rudolf Dassler)开设了敌对的运动品牌彪马。

The latest acquisitions by Real Madrid, how is that gonna impact on your bottom line, you're obviously quite positive about them?

Yeah, of course. Because this gives us an opportunity to sell more shirts if great players are coming to Real, and I still think back five years ago when David Beckham joined Real, this was the most successful commercial year for us, with Real, I'm sure that Ronaldo and Kaka will sell a lot of shirts.

And that's what you do.


Sell shirts.

Yeah, exactly.

Where does your business make its money, obviously you have tangible aspects such as selling T-shirts, but the intangible such as the brand association with, say, the World Cup. Uh, how lucrative is that for you? Where do you make your money?

When with sponsorship like that, you have two different aspects, you have the tangible and the intangible aspect as you have mentioned already. Of course we can already count how many shirts we have sold during the World Cup 2006 in Germany.

How many was it?

It was over three million replica shirts for all the teams which were competing. And our brand name it was 1.5 million just alone from the German team. We sold over or nearly 15 million balls with a  Teamgeist design which was a special design for the World Cup 2006. But this is a tangible asset. But on the other hand, you have so many millions and millions of spectators, TV viewers who are seeing your brand permanently, and then going afterwards into stores and buying your brand. Of course this we can not measure and count. But overall, I think that these investments and as I've said before when you see the performance of our company, then this is really worthwhile, and we do not calculate it and name it as a cost, it is an investment into the future of our company.