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英国失业率持续上升 工作有多难找?


I took three generations of the same family back to High Wycombe's Woolies where they all worked. Only one has found new full time employment, and even she is unhappy with the job centre.

I think because they are like inundated with people at the moment, they are out of work. The staff that are there, they are not coping, 'cause they are not highly trained.

In January, we followed Caroline Busby and her colleagues on the last day of trading.

Being crying, being sort of angry.

Redundant staff desperately needed help, and we've learned that a job center satisfaction survey has been conducted among former Woolworth employees. The results will not be made public. Despite 2,000 responses, officials say it's not statistically significant.

This is your CV, is it? Yeah.

So we've made inquiries of our own. Terry aged 20 was a Woolworth sales assistant. I joined him in delivering CVs. Nationally, 19.7 percent of 16- to 24-year-olds are unemployed, almost a million. He's come across a familiar job centre Catch-22.

Some of them have been unrealistic. They've asked me to go for plumbing training. But to do that, you need to get to drive and to do that you need to get a job. So it's been going around in circles.

A survey of almost 1,000 for ITV News showed overall 65 percent of former staff have found work. Managers like Caroline Busby have the highest rate at 77 percent, sales assistants like Jason Ball lower at 49 percent. Age is another factor. Over 50s like Allen Busby have found it hard to find any work.

Older, part time staff, very few of those have found another job at all. And some of the

frustrations I get every day sent to me by e-mail are from older people who simply can't get back to work.

Of 40 former Woolworth's workers questioned for this report, 17 percent was scathing at the job centre. Stores may be mothballed. People expect much better.


Woolies: Woolworth was also sometimes referred to as “Woolies” by the UK media and the general public.

Catch-22: 《第22条军规》是美国作家约瑟夫·海勒(Joseph Heller)的代表作。