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Any visit to London by the Secretary of State is important. But the timing of this one adds interest. Hillary Clinton’s trip comes of the back of a-week-long discussion in Washington about the strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan. It’s approaching decision time. Joining us talks, president Obama spoke with Gordon Brown on the phone. Mrs. Clinton will be able to give the Prime Minister a full briefing on where American is heading.

We are looking at the situation at the ground; we are looking at the implications of the election results to be determined here the next few days. We are looking how best to make sure that we are coordinating right activities on both sides of the Afghan, Pakistan border. We will continue until we believe that we have done what we’ve got to do, which is to provide a stable, help build a stable government in Afghanistan.

The Americans need to keep British fully in the picture as they have the largest number of troops in Afghanistan after the Americans. UK policy will have to follow the US. The balance of forces and the scale of the task negates any other options.

"I think the timing is quite interesting in that maybe Hillary Clinton is going to dialog with the Prime Minister about the issues that they are wrestling within the White House. You know, what is your advice? What do you think, Mr. Brown? What do you think we should do to Afghan as this processes a bit more?"

Also on the agenda, Iran. If the UN inspectors fail to get into the newly revealed nuclear bunker near Qom or if they are blocked elsewhere, that mean Americans are determined to go for a security counsel resolution on sanctions. They'll be supported by the UK, also play a role in drafting document.

Tim Marshall, Sky News