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机师犯糊涂 飞机飞过目的地而不停




Well, air traffic controllers at many air places where a northwest commercial plane flew passed its scheduled destination, one of the only one concern turns out the White House is also monitoring the situation, but it’s still unclear if president Obama knew about it. Northwest flight 188 was out of contact, out of radio contact, any kind of communication of that for more than an hour Wednesday night flying 150 miles beyond where able supposed to land.

We are here about a hundred yards away from the scene of the fire, still burning this morning. We understand that there are still five tanks burning, so far it’s estimated the government of Puerto Rico has spent about 6.4 million dollars and president Obama yesterday declared an emergency which is going to bring response for the EPA and other federal agencies to come and help in the operation, we understand that there are about 1500 who were evacuated from this area, and also at the same time, they are getting a stadium, a nearby stadium ready in case it’s needed because in this area surrounding this scene of the fire, we have about 45,000 people just in the close facility, and so if it’s needed, they’re getting this stadium ready where everything that people are gonna need to, to need their…

President Obama declaring a national emergency over the spread of H1N1 flu virus, that declaration is meant to cut through red tape for health care facilities. Still though, federal officials say that production of vaccine is slower than it’s expected.

A teenage girl who had been wandering in the streets of New York for 2 weeks, there is a picture of her, claiming that she didn’t know her name, or who she was, they finally get some answers. Police say a cnn viewer, in fact out of a Maryland, help identify her. A photo of the teen who has been referred as Jane Done was circulated by police aired on cnn this week. She will be reuniting with her family in Washington State.