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* First, says Timothy A. Pychyl, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology at Carleton University in Ottawa, you have to choose personal projects that have meaning for you. They have to embody your values, resonate with your identity, hold some enjoyment for you.

首先,心理学家Timothy A. Pychyl博士建议,你必须选择对自己有意义的个人计划。这些计划必须能具体体现你的价值观、和你的身份产生共鸣、带给你快乐。

* Then you have to focus on making the change manageable. Say your resolution is to start running. You have to get specific about exactly what you are going to do, where you are going to do it, and at what time.


"As runners always point out, the biggest thing about running is just to get outside," says Dr. Pychyl. Once you get out the door you are more likely to go for that run.


Making change manageable means that you have to structure your personal environment to facilitate your goal. So you set up your surroundings to get you out the door to run first thing in the morning. The night before you lay out your running clothes right next to your bed so that they are as easy to reach for as your toothbrush. They become your cue to go downstairs and get out the door.


In the language of psychology these steps are called implementation intentions. They take the place of habits until the new behaviors lose some of their unpleasantness and become more attractive in their own right. After all, running is difficult in the beginning when you are out of shape, even though making the effort feels good and makes you feel good about yourself.


* Build in a little leeway in your new effort at self-regulation. "We should expect to fail at self-regulation at times," says Dr. Pychyl. What you really have to guard against is what is formally known as "the what-the-hell effect."Instead, expect to "mess up" from time to time. And just get right back on track.
