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Top 5 Fleeting Celebrities List from Time.com includes people such as:


Susan Boyle:

The Scottish spinster wowed Simon Cowell in April with a stunning rendition of "I Dreamed a Dream," during the show Britain's Got Talent.

Her ugly-duckling narrative proved irresistible to reality-TV fans. Susan Boyle is a frumpy, eccentric church volunteer who, at 48, claims she's never been kissed and lives alone with her cat Pebbles.

A clip of her inaugural TV performance has been viewed on YouTube more than 300 million times, and her debut album, the inevitably titled I Dreamed a Dream, is the most preordered in Amazon.com's history. The singing sensation's celebrity may not be so fleeting after all.


2009年4月11日英国独立电视公司著名的选秀节目《英国达人》中,年龄有点大(47岁),长相有点雷人(身材臃肿、相貌普通),打扮有点老土 (顶着一头乱发),说话有点语无伦次的苏珊大妈上了台。一曲《我曾有梦》震撼了评委和在场观众,成为了全球热议话题。她毫无矫饰的艺术力量“重新定义了美丽的衡量标准”。

Dr. Conrad Murray:

When the Los Angeles Police Department declared Michael Jackson's fatal overdose to be a homicide, all eyes turned to Dr. Conrad Murray, the cardiologist who was attending to the pop icon the day he died.

An autopsy revealed a disturbing cocktail of powerful drugs in his system, including an anesthetic that is usually reserved for the operating room and was apparently prescribed by Murray as a sleeping aid.

In July, members of the Drug Enforcement Agency and the LAPD searched Murray's Houston office but so far he has not been charged with a crime.



Tiger Woods' Alleged Mistress:

At first glance, Rachel Uchitel is a sympathetic figure. Before becoming the subject of tabloid fodder for her alleged affair with Tiger Woods, the former Bloomberg News producer lost her fiance on 9/11 when he perished in the World Trade Center.

After an emotional breakdown followed by a short-lived marriage, Rachel Uchitel became a nightclub promoter and gal about town. She told a New York City-based magazine last year that while she's been "romantically linked to a famous baseball player, a Broadway star, a musician and various film and television actors," she would "never kiss and tell."

While Uchitel has consistently denied rumors of a fling, Woods publicly apologized for unnamed "transgressions" less than a week after crashing his car near his Florida home during a reported domestic dispute with his wife.


艾德瑞克·泰格·伍兹是美国高尔夫球手,截至2009年世界排名首位,并被公认为史上最成功的高尔夫球手之一。因为在英文中他的绰号“Tiger” 的意思是“虎”,所以在中文中经常被称为老虎。伍兹和艾琳于2004年10月5日在加勒比海岛国巴巴多斯一家豪华的沙巷五星级俱乐部结婚。2009年11 月28日伍兹的一次车祸,在短短的几周内,引出了多达十几位的情妇队伍,“偷腥门”震惊全球。瑞秋是被曝光的首位情妇。

Edgar Hernandez:

In April, Edgar Hernandez became the unfortunate face of the H1N1 virus pandemic after officials confirmed that the 4-year-old was the first human to be infected with the virus in Mexico.

Dubbed "Patient Zero" by the media, the kindergartner hails from La Gloria, a rural town that sits a few miles from an industrial pig farm. Reports of an ominous-sounding "swine flu" led to a sharp drop in tourism to Mexico, but an official in Hernandez's hometown said the boy should be celebrated as the first person to survive the virus, even going so far as to suggest erecting a statue of the boy's likeness in La Gloria to attract tourists.



Orly Taitz:

Orly Taitz wears many hats. The Orange County, California, resident is a dentist, a lawyer, a real estate agent and leader of the "birther" movement - a term referring to the belief held by stubborn conspiracy theorists that Barack Obama was born in Kenya and therefore does not meet the Constitution's eligibility requirements to serve as President of the United States.

Despite a lack of evidence supporting this claim, Taitz and her supporters received a surprising amount of media attention last summer.

