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The most popular toys this holiday season, as you know, if you're a parent, are zhu zhu pets. They're little robot hamsters that move around or something and there're people going crazy for them. Zhu zhu pets are manufactured in China, and over the weekend a consumer group raised concerns that they might contain high levels of a dangerous metal called antimony. Now today the government now said they do not contain a dangerous level of antimony, but, you know, they said they're safe and they're just as stupid as you imagine they would be when you spend the money on them.

But I want to make sure still, because I got one for my niece. And especially since they're made in China, I want to make sure they don't contain harmful amounts of lead, you know, some Chinese toys do. So we did our own test. Superman, as you know, cannot see through lead. It's the one substance that blocks his vision. So we got our Hollywood Boulevard superman and we taped a zhu zhu pet to, over each one of his eyes. And now let's see. If superman can make it across the street, they are safe. Right across the way from us here on Hollywood Boulevard. So maybe there is, maybe there isn't lead, no offence.

But dangerous or not, zhu zhu pets are the hottest toy out there. They're selling on eBay for like seven times the retail price and they even found their way into the newest installment of a very popular movie franchise. Oh, that's… I gotta go see that again.

ABC News now. Good to know.