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警徽挡住子弹 警察幸免于难


This story gives new meaning to the phrase"Badge of Honor". After all,this badge is credited with saving officer Joshua Smith's life from a bullet.

It felt like someone hit me in the chest with a baseball bat. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't catch my breath. At that point I was worried about finding a wound and stopping the bleeding

But there was no wound and there was no bleeding,thanks to this steel badge. Officer Smith says it all started at 1 in the morning Christmas Eve when he spotted a car weaving wildly on highway 64 in Oakland, he pulled the car with an expired temporary tag over and ordered the driver to get out for a field sobriety test. The passenger also got out and swung a knife at Smith. As Smith subdued the passenger the driver pulled a gun and shot him at point-blank range.

As soon as the shot happened and I fell back, I was thinking, defend, defend, defend.

Smith fired back, the driver screamed and they took off. Smith says doctors told him without his badge, the wound to his chest could have killed him.

It could have been where my family was making funeral preparations instead of my kids opening gifts with their dad and my wife.Before the shooting,Smith says he didn't even like the bulky badges.

Feel like weigh the collar down. It wasn't really just complaining, but it was, it was a complaining statement. Smith says he got everything he wanted for Christmas.My life and my family. But, yeah, I got everything I needed. Everything I wanted.