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And the White House has obviously been thinking about voters’ angry and frustrated with Washington. It was clear when they first leaked last night and then today unveiled a proposal to freeze some federal spending to help tackle what’s expected to be another massive budget deficit, almost one point four trillion dollars again this year. This freeze will not include Defense, Homeland Security, Medicare, Social Security, Foreign Aid programs. That leaves just 17% of a 3.5-trillion-dollar budget subject to the spending freeze, which is aimed at saving about 25 billion dollars a year. White House correspondent Savannah Guthrie has more on all this.

Savannah, late today they added White House salaries to the freeze apparently, I heard Liberals in Washington picking all this apart today, conservatives picking it apart. I also heard somebody say it’s not aimed at them; it’s aimed out in the country.

Oh, no question about it. In poll after poll independent voters put this near the top of their list of their priorities. Federal spending deficit control they are really worried about it. So right in time for the State of the Union, the president has unveiled this 3-year discretionary spending freeze. And you put your finger on it notice what’s not on there, defense spending and entitlement spending, which, let’s face it, is the real driver of our deficits, Social Security, Medicare and medicate. Nevertheless they say this freeze will add up to 250 billion dollars over ten years. But this kind of landed with a thud on the Capitol Hill today, the president getting in on both sides left and right. On the left, Liberal say look, this is no time to be curtailing government spending, we need to spend to intervene, to help the unemployment problem. To that the administration says this will go into affect our October jobs programs still on track. On the right, they say this is just the tip of the iceberg, 1/8 of the total federal budget. Aides say well, it’s a start, but not the end of our efforts here. Ryan.

Well, at some point the events marketing will come to an end. Savannah Guthrie, Thanks.