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Taiwanese troops carry out a routine military drill. The army's capabilities could soon get a boost from a 6.4-billion-dollar arms deal with the United States that's enraged China enough to threaten sanctions. On state television, Beijing warned Washington the deal would seriously harm relations between the two superpowers.

"The United States has ignored China and insisted on making wrong decisions. This act is seriously against the agreement between the two nations, especially the August 19th Communique. The arms sales were crude interference in China's domestic affairs and seriously harm China's national security and jeopardize the undertaking of China's peaceful unification. China is strongly indignant about the US decision and proposes serious talks on the matter."

In the Chinese capital, residents had mixed feelings.

"I think China does not need to worry about US selling arms to Taiwan because it's a commercial act. I think it's more important for China to upgrade its military capacity. If China improves its military capabilities, we wouldn't care about the arms deal. China is a big country and petty actions by small countries will not affect us."

"The US decision during this period implies it has the will to hinder or defer the unification of China, and such an act is an intrusion to China's sovereignty."

Taiwan has been ruled separately since 1949 but since then China has demanded the nation accept unification. US officials say Taiwan needs updated weapons to give it more sway when negotiating with Beijing.

Charlotte Turner, Reuters.

Glossary [only for reference]

 drill [uncountable]: military training in which soldiers practise marching, using weapons etc

enrage [transitive usually passive]: to make someone very angry

communique [countable]: an official report or announcement

jeopardize [transitive]: to risk losing or spoiling something important

undertaking [countable usually singular]: an important job, piece of work, or activity that you are responsible for

indignant: angry and surprised because you feel insulted or unfairly treated

mixed feelings: if you have mixed feelings or emotions about something, you are not sure whether you like, agree with or feel happy about it

upgrade [transitive]: to improve something and make it more modern, especially in order to provide a better service

defer [transitive]: to delay something until a later date

intrusion [uncountable and countable]: when something comes into a place or situation and has an unwanted effect

sway [uncountable]: literary power to rule or influence people