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-For tonight Shot, we watch them grow and play, and now we say farewell to two giant pandas. This is the Taishan in road in a container that’s now on a plane to China before your old male was with born the National Zoo in Washington had accompany also on board three-year-old Meilan, she was born at the zoo Atlanta. Both were raised here. They actually belong to China that’s part of an agreement between the two countries. They are endangered animals,of course. Taishan’s nickname is Butter Stick because that’s how small he was at birth.

-Frances Nguyen, who with her husband has grown very close to Taishan, take literally thousands of photographs with him. We want to show you some of them tonight, we also want you to hear from Frances why Butter Stick is so special. Watch.

-When I first saw Taishan, my jaw just dropped, and I was like “Oh, my God”. There’s no word to describe the feeling.

-Taishan is like a little angel, his arm very engaging, his eyes are beautiful and you feel connected to him. When I watch the interaction between him and his mother, the way that she cares and nurtures him so patient and he’s this rambunctious little bear that’s very play for, never gives up and full of confident. He’s brought me a community of friendship and even I found love. You know, I met my husband at the panda’s exhibit and my mom always said, you’re never gonna meet a guy,you know,all you do is spend  your time at the zoo taking pictures, but I did what I love and love was right in front of me. Panda’s love, being in the snow,he’s so excitable, when he rolls down the hill with the snow.

-This picture’s very special to me. When I was taken the picture, I didn’t realize that Tai was looking at me but I thought his big eyes and it was just incredible to be that close to him to hear him breathe.

-I have two hearts when it comes to Tai going to China, there’s a side of me that feels a great loss as if you losing your own child, and there’s a side of me that thinks that it’s for the better of the future in his future into spread his genes.

-But he’s left me with a lot of gifts and a lot of good karma. It’s ironic because the last week I found out that I was pregnant, and that’s the week I found out,you know that’s before his leaving, so it’s like one child gone and one child coming, and I thought that was a gift from him.

-I won’t be surprised if she named her child Taishan.
-I know, really cute.