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老虎伍兹修复形象 "钱景"依旧


And we wanna look beyond the admissions in the apologies to how Woods might re-emerge as a trusted corporate spokesman. For that, we are joined by CNBC's sports business reporter Darren Rovell.

Darren, Good morning.

Morning, Amy.

And among the many apologies we’ve heard, Tiger Woods made most notably, he apologized to his business partners, saying his behavior had caused them "considerable worry". How is the corporate world reacting to Tiger Woods' remarks yesterday?

Well, obviously, he lost Accenture and AT&T, I will say that probably the most troubling sign for the sponsors is he didn't give a date as to when he is coming back, that's when they can use him again. At the same time, I'm sure Nike and some of the other deals that he has, Electronic Arts, TAG Heuer, they don't want him coming back, if he’s not fully prepared and can't be the Tiger Woods that they obviously loved and the reason they are paying him to begin with.

And yet, Nike and Electronic Arts, both issued a statement supporting him. And now that he has spoken publicly what does he have to to, can he win his other corporate sponsors back?

Well, I think it's gonna take some time. I think this was just the first step, but he is gonna have to do something else before he gets out on the golf course and then he just does have to win. That's extremely important for, you know, the Nikes in the world. Nike pays him to win, they pay him to sell products and, if he can't emerge as the old Tiger Woods, then, they are probably not happy with their investment in him.

And Darren, we heard Tiger talking about his wife Elin, saying that she "has shown tremendous grace in this ordeal". But you know what? she wasn't by his side. How big of a blow was that?

From the marketing standpoint, I don't necessarily think it was a blow. You know some people say that Elin has to be with him for Tiger to be the family man, but I don't think people pay Tiger to be the perfect man or they use the products because he is the perfect man. They use the products because he is a winner. So whatever it takes, I mean if they ultimately do get divorced, whatever it is, it has to come back to his golf game and him being a winner. That's the bottom line.

And, Darren, what about Tiger's decision for refusing to take questions. This was not a press conference, this was just a public statement, and yet he needed the media to get that statement out. Without answering any questions, did that hurt him?

I think people think that there has to be another step here, that this is just the first step, that there has to be an in-between, maybe in front of reporters or dais, you know, where he is talking to them, maybe the one-on-one. There's gotta be something else before he returns to the course, so if you believe this is it, and then he is gonna return to the course, and he feels like he doesn't have to anything else, I feel he does and I think a lot of people feel he has to do more.

All right, Darren Rovell, we appreciate it. Thanks so much.